Monday, October 25, 2021

From Awareness to Action: A Complete Guide to Reflective Thinking Cycles for Teachers

Reflective thinking is a process that helps educators explore their practice. Reflecting on your teaching can give you valuable insight into your strengths and weaknesses.

It also helps you see the effect of different pedagogical approaches on students’ learning, allowing you to choose methods that are most effective for your students.

John Dewey advocated for reflection as a critical element of the learning process.

we do not learn from experience, but from reflecting on experience.

Dewey, 1938

Reflective thinking is not a single event to tick off, nor an isolated experience. Reflection is most effective when it is a series of connected phases of thinking. These phases of thinking are often outlined in a cycle as we return to an initial starting point or the habit continues.

Reflective practice is:

learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice

Finlay, 2008

The cycle of reflection is an integral part of reflective practice, and it’s not always easy to know where to start. That’s why I’ve created a comprehensive guide that will walk you through all the steps involved in a range of cycle examples so that you can get started right away.

I have put together this guide to bring together a range of reflection models and approaches. In this guide, we will explore the following reflective thinking cycles and approaches:

Although there are many different approaches and research methods, the fundamental principle of reviewing the teaching and learning experience is to improve the outcomes for the teacher and students.

Use the page number buttons below (or the links above) to read my guide on reflective thinking cycles.

from Tom Barrett

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