Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Upgrade Your Mirror: The Power of Reflexive Thinking

A change in our self-awareness is an essential trigger for learning growth. Explore how to extend your reflective thinking and upgrade your mirror.

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

I will keep constant watch over myself and — most usefully — will put each day up for review. For this is what makes us evil — that none of us looks back upon our own lives. We reflect upon only that which we are about to do. And yet our plans for the future descend from the past. ~ Seneca

Hold up a mirror and look at yourself. Consider your participation in an issue? Are you part of the problem?

When you look back, you first identify your role and acknowledge your influence. Reflect on your positive, negative or neutral impact.

Look closer and see yourself. Increase self-awareness. Part of a ‘constant watch’ over ourselves and a continuous effort to ‘put each day up for review’.

A change in our self-awareness is an essential trigger for learning growth.

Introduce frequent review, reflection and meta moments in any meeting, workshop or lesson.

Photo by alvaro ortiz on Unsplash

Reflexivity is a self-referential loop of seeing and changing because we see. A constant inquiry into how we interpret the world and how this, in turn, changes the world.

Our perspective is unique, and we need to know the shape of the lens, but we need to upgrade our mirror too.

Intentional habits help to understand ‘the myriad ways in which one’s own presence and perspective influence the knowledge and actions which are created.’ (Jan Fook)

Your Talking Points

  • What harm might I be causing?
  • How might I change as a result of this?
  • This has helped me to change because

from Tom Barrett

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