Tuesday, September 14, 2021

🗣 Dialogic Coaching Opportunities

My weekly email helps educators and innovation leaders enhance their practice by sharing provocations, ideas and mental models. Join today, and get your copy this week.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

It excites me to renew and establish new coaching partnerships for 2021 and 2022. I love to meet people where they are at and use dialogue to support their growth in:

  • Design Thinking — leading creative problem-solving.
  • Creativity — your own and how we unlock creative potential.
  • Facilitation and coaching — leaders often need to invest in these skills.
  • Innovation — how we create the conditions for innovation and lead change.
  • Critique and Feedback — we are in a constant critique loop, so improving our understanding is critical

Over the next few weeks, I will confirm the private coaching partnerships for the next 12 months or so.

If you think I could be a good fit for you* I have limited capacity, so please complete this short form, and get in touch for a chat. ↓ Click the link.

I am interested in coaching

*By the way, your choice is all-important. After reading multiple weekly emails, I know you will have noticed my style. That thinking approach is what we would do together.

Some more factors to consider about coaching in my article here.

🔭 Apple Education Session

Next week I am running another Speaker Series session for the Apple Education community. These short provocation talks are followed up with small group dialogue sessions that you can opt into afterwards.

My third session is all about thinking routines and frameworks to shift perspectives. Come and join us, the session is open to all. Details and registration here ⟶ Shifting Perspectives for Better Thinking and Dialogue

⚡ Google Educator Group (GEG) Mornington

Phil Carew invited me to the latest GEG session, where I shared a twenty-minute talk on Feedback Strategies. I explored a couple of strategies in depth and looked at the different elements of the critique dynamic.

You can jump to my talk from about 12:30 into the video below.

🦸‍♀️ Teaching Heroes

To start my week, I spent some time in dialogue with Dr Jo Winchester, Deputy Head of Education at the Australian Catholic University.

Jo creates a show called Teaching Heroes — I am not sure I am in that category, but it was great to talk about my approach to partnerships, not projects and some other topics:

🔀 New Pathways

Dialogic Learning is the name of my education consultancy business. It has been a challenging time for small businesses and independent consultants. There is so much uncertainty and constraint.

I have mapped new business pathways over the next 12 months. Looking ahead, I have chosen to focus on the development of:

  • Digital Products: Create and sell more courses, learning materials and frameworks. This will also include a subscription model for this weekly. For anyone who wants to go deeper down the rabbit hole with me!
  • Audience and Community: I will be looking at ways to broaden the audience of the weekly and to create a community space (see rabbit hole).
  • Coaching Partnerships: Build awareness of my dialogic approach, support more people and hone the craft.

By the way, this is me being open and public about strategy. You are an integral part of my journey, and I am excited to create more opportunities to connect and learn with you.

If you have any ideas, comments or feedback I would be grateful to hear it. Just hit reply!

A strategy is only really a strategy if people in the organisation alter their behaviour as a result ~ Freek Vermeulen


Thanks for joining me this week — I will leave you with this.

I have been writing and sharing at a higher rate at the moment. This set of illustrations about imposter syndrome struck a chord.

This is a snippet of my Dialogic Learning Weekly. ⚡A weekly email designed to build your cognitive toolkit and enhance your practice. It saves you time and provokes your thinking.

Exactly the nourishment I need on a weekly basis.

⚡ Subscribe now and get started this week.

from Tom Barrett

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